Frequently Asked Questions


1. How to define the DevAddress?

In v3.3, it is the last 4 bytes of the DevEUI

In v3.4, it is the last 25 bits of the DevEUI


2. How to change the DevEUI and the AppEUI?

To set the DevAddr for the next association, send on Fport 125 the following frame: 1105800400044104dddddddd (0xdddddddd is the DevAddr), and re-start the device.

To set the AppEUI for the next association, send on Fport 125 the following frame: 1105800400054108dddddddddddddddd (0xdddddddddddddddd is the AppEUI), and re-start the device.


3. How to get an acknowledgement in a response?

You should send the following frame on Fport 125: 1105800400000801. For Unconfirmed frames, send the following frame:  1105800400000800.


4.  How to have an automatic reassociation?

You can set parameters of an automatic association for Confirmed frames by sending the following frame: 1105800400024104tttteeee.

(0xtttt is the period in minutes after what a new association is done if no frame is received, 0xeeee is the number of consecutive failure on a confirmed Data up frame after what a new association is done).


5.  How to disable a configuration of a device?

Change the value of the minimum and maximum sending interval and the delta to 0.

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