Using the Watteco codec API with Chirpstack

En Français

The first step is to import manually the codec into your Chirpstack interface.
You'll find all the codecs, by sensor, here.
Choose your sensor, then copy the content of the corresponding main.js file then simply paste into the "Codec" section of the Chirpstack interface.

You'll then need to remove the export section exports.driver=driver at the end of the newly inserted code.

From this:

…{return result=t.watteco_decodeUplink(e,a,n)}})(),driver=i})();exports.driver=driver //remove from "exports" to the end

To this:

…{return result=t.watteco_decodeUplink(e,a,n)}})(),driver=i})();

Then, once this is done, add this small section:

function decodeUplink(input) {
  return {
          data: driver.decodeUplink(input)

Your Chirpstack installation is now able to decode your sensor's frames.

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